Day 1: Learning In-Hand

Everyone in the saddle eager and ready to learn:

Learning in the saddle on the lead line:

Riding on their own and finding their balance:

Day 2:
Playing Freeze Tag, working on balance and going over poles!

Ella (established SSF rider) on top of “Whiskey” showing the new campers how fun horses can be!

Grace(established SSF rider) jumping “Honey”!

Day 3:
Playing Simon Says!

Team race to put back together a Bridle!

In Hand Obstacle Course!



Day 4:
Mini Trail ride on property!

Learning to post the trot and going over poles!

Day 5:
Trotting over vertical pole jump and learning two point position!

Campers goofing off, having fun and relaxing with their mounts! Much deserved for both parties!

Few of the horses and campers captured getting some R & R in!

PIZZA PARTY to celebrate the last day of camp and much deserved for all their hard work!

Ella and the other Ella showing off their skills in bareback double jumping & in the 2 man pick up game!

Thanks to these awesome campers for coming and we hope to see them all again!